These fibreglass vessels were imported from Italy. One of them arrived damaged and failed pressure testing. As specialists in fibreglass repairs we knew we could guarantee our works successful and the tank would be back on line within a couple of days.

These fibreglass tanks were transported from Italy on the back of a low loader. Unfortunately one of them got damaged on route. The damage was not initially visible. The tank was installed and pressure tested before going into production. The testing highlighted some small hairline cracks

As fibreglass repair specialists, we knew we could carry out the repairs required to guarantee air tightness and get the tank on line within days.

The stressed areas were very visible from inside the vessel. The complete wall and floor area was sand blasted to make a good key for all the fibreglass repairs and new fibreglass lining to adhere to.

The stressed areas were very visible from inside the tank. The 'spiders' were in random areas so it made sense to apply a reconstructive system to the complete wall and floor area.

We carried out abrasive sand blasting to the internal surfaces to create a good key for the localised fibreglass repairs and new fibreglass lining to adhere to.

Layers of reconstructive fibreglass were applied to the leaking stressed areas. When the repairs had cured, a chemical resistant double layer fibreglass lining system was applied to cover all the internal surfaces and reinstate the vessels integrity.

Layers of reconstructive fibreglass were applied to the stressed areas. When the repairs had cured, a chemical resistant double layer fibreglass lining system was applied to cover the complete internal surface area to reinstate the tanks integrity.